Meet Principal Strategic Advisor, Renee Harrison
What drew you to the family violence sector, and where has your career taken you?
My studies in public policy uncovered a passion and drive for me to help make an impact in addressing family violence. I began my journey in the family violence sector working with Djirra, and I feel deeply grateful for having had the opportunity to work in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation alongside such incredible people pursuing self-determination for Aboriginal women and children. In 2018 I joined the Western Integrated Family Violence Committee to support work to improve system responses to family violence in the western metropolitan region.
What do you enjoy about your role?
I really enjoy working with so many inspiring leaders, innovators and specialists across community service workforces and government that are so willing to share their knowledge and expertise in contributing to a better way for the system to respond to family violence.
What sustains you in your practice in the family violence sector?
That incremental changes are the building blocks for impact and progress, and that our workforces are made up of incredible human beings that have rich expertise, generous and collaborative mindsets, and a deep passion and commitment to making the world a better place.