Meet WIFVC Trainer, Sharnie Parsons

What drew you to the family violence sector, and where has your career taken you?

Seeing how men's use of violence affected women and children is what drew me to the sector. Reading media stories or hearing about how people responding to family violence made me angry. This really set off my passion for the work.

I started off my career at GenWest crisis team responding to L17 referrals. I've worked in family services, The Orange Door and RAMP. I currently work at Mercy Mental Health as a Family Violence Advisor along with the WIFVC as a MARAM trainer.

What do you enjoy about being a WIFVC trainer?

I love meeting people from different organisations and seeing everyone commitment to learning how enhancing their practice when it comes to working with victim-survivors and people who use violence. 

What sustains you in your practice in the family violence sector?

Seeing the impact this work can make, this is what sustains me. 


Meet WIFVC Trainer, Shikha Makker


NWMPHN, GenWest and Berry Street announce Specialist Family Violence Secondary Consultations for local GPs