Embolden Festival recordings

The 2024 Festival theme The [un]Silencing of Older Women recognises the need to understand the unique ways older women experience ageism - and combat the subsequent rises in poverty, homelessness, abuse, violence and murder. It explored the ways some families, communities, services and policies contribute to the silencing of older women; and how we can all be part of the solutions. It identified how a gender lens can enhance elder abuse strategies and a life span approach can help to prevent family violence.

Yumi Lee, Jess Hill and Associate Professor Laura Tarzia presented on a Life Stages approach to Family Violence. 

  • Watch the video with Jess Hill (here) and Laura Tarzia (here)

  • Read the draft Life Stages document: here


Safe and Trusted information about sex and relationships for 16+


Partnership training for practitioners working in response and recovery